Faith Baptist Church is an independent Bible Believing Baptist church that teaches and preaches the word of God. Our main emphasis is getting the Word of God out to the community and instilling it in the hearts of the children of God.

Faith Baptist is involved in visitation, street preaching and ministry at the South West Arkansas Juvenile Detention Center and the local jail. Faith Baptist is also active in area nursing homes and with the youth.





The Bible
Jesus Christ
Good Works

Church Ordinances
Eternal Security

Church and State
Second Coming of Christ


The Bible

We believe the absolute, sole authoritative rule for faith and practice is the perfect, preserved word of God, which, for English speaking people, is the AV 1611, King James Bible. (Ps. 12:6-7)

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Jesus Christ

We believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His vicarious death for sinners, His literal bodily resurrection and His literal bodily return to this earth to reign for 1000 years.  (1 Tim. 3:16)

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Good Works

We believe that any religious person who depends upon the sacraments or the golden rule, or the church, or the ten commandments to justify him before God will be condemned at the White Throne Judgment and banished to the Lake of Fire for trusting their righteousness instead of Jesus Christ's righteousness. (Rom. 4:5)

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We believe that water baptism for the regenerated believer is immersion in water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. (Matt. 28:19)

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Church Ordinances

Baptism and the Lord's Supper constitute the only two scriptural ordinances for the church, but neither has any saving power (Luke 22:19)

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Eternal Security

We believe in the eternal security of the believer as part of the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. (John10:28;Eph.1:13)

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We believe that Christians should attempt to live godly lives and separate themselves as much as possible from the world and its lusts and entanglements That they should encourage and minister to one another and give liberally to the support of any bible-believing ministry that is actively winning people to Jesus Christ. (Rom. 12:1)

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Church and State

We believe in absolute separation of church and state and that the state has no business dictating to any local church how they should conduct their services, ministries, business, or property matters. (Acts 5:29)

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Second Coming of Jesus Christ

We believe in the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ to this earth to catch out His "bride" before Daniel's Seventieth Week (the "Time of Jacob's Troubles) takes place. That He will return after the "Marriage of the Lamb" to reign over the "House of Jacob" at Jerusalem on the "Throne of David."
(John 14:3)

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